This is Fishy~~She is...hmmm...well..she is the hardest person to get to know in three of them...XD...We met in tuition for the first time..then, in night study I lost my eraser..so i borrow from her..here my conversation with her..>>"fish, can i borrow ur eraser?"she was like>>"hand her eraser in a silent mode..plus the eyes is like saying..did i knw u freak??"xD..but..after a COUPLE month latter...we finally become friends..xDD

This is Paul Benjamin aka Pauly.. Well...our first met is the first day that i transfered to Kian Kok..He is our class monitor.. uiseh~~xD..we r just normal friends at the first..but..our friendships getting closer and closer since he sms me...xDD..

This is Chou Chou...I still remember the first day we met...hmm..That's is the 1st day I join the concert band to the sport complex to have a show..and...of course we didn't went to class after the show..(because we r all good student..xD)..and.. many people fall as sleep...including me..=]..and..when I woke up, this girl run to me excitedly and said..i wan to show u something~~than...it's my pic that she took when i slept..Honestly.. i was surprise because a girl as pretty as her usually dun speak to stranger like me.(0.o)..but...she just did...and after that we found we r at the same tuition..then,our friendships start to begin..(^.^)